Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Tamarind Rice

1) Rice - 1 cup full
2) Tamarind - 50 gms
3) Ground nut - 50 gms
4) Chana Dal - 5gms
5) Udit dal - 5 gms
6) Turmeric powder - 1 spoon
7) Green chilli - 3(large in size)
8) Red chilli
9) oil - 4 spoon
10) Curry Leaves - 5
11) Sesame seeds powder - 1 spoon
12) Salt - 2 spoon full

1. Boil the rice(in pressure cooker) and keep it ready. While rice is prepared, soak the tamarind in water(tamarind should be completely in immersed in the water), cut the green chilli along the length.
2. Take oil in pan and heat it. Add ground nut to it.
3. Fry the groundnuts until the colour changes and then add chana dal, udit dal, green chilli, red chilli, curry leaaves. Mix them well. Put the flame in medium.
4. Once the colour of the chillies change, add the tamarind water(squeeze the tamarind to extract the water from it). Add turmeric powder. Mix them well.
5. The mixture gets thickened andgets closer.
6. Take the boiled rice, add salt, mixture and sesame powder(crush sesame seeds to make it powder) and mix thoroughly such the mixture is distributed evenly to entire rice
7. Serve the Tamarind Rice hot.


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